January 25-31, The News…

Oregon Argus, February 2, 1856 To the Editor of the Argus: True Heroism On Thursday morning last a small boy started over from Canemah to the Willamette Falls Co. basin, in a skiff along, and when in the midst of the river it was noticed by those on the banks on both sides that he…

January 17-23, The News…

Oregon Spectator, January 23, 1851 The proceedings of the Legislature for the past week have not been of very general public interest. Our report in consequence is small. Last week both Houses adjourned on Friday over to Monday. On Monday the Council was engaged in killing off bills that passed the House. The Plank Road…

City Ordinances, 1850

The following ordinances were approved by the City Council of Oregon City from August through December 1850. Council: William K. Kilborn, Mayor; F. S. Holland, Recorder Councilmen: Noyes Smith, Andrew Hood, Richard McMahan, Medorem Crawford and George Hanan   Ord. 1st} Be it ordained that no grocer or merchant shall sell, lend, or give, or in any way…

January 10 – 16, The News

January 16, 1851, Oregon Spectator Temperance Monday evening, the third regular meeting of the Washingtonian Teetotal Abstinence was held at the Methodist Episcopal Church. A large audience was assembled. After the usual exercises, Hon. A. Paine was called upon to address the Society. Mr. P. arose, and having quoted 1 Cor. 10-12 said that he…

Views of Oregon City…

This week’s news is about two artists who captured the beauty of Oregon in 1847 and links to their work. It was several years after these paintings that the first photographs were taken of the scenes in Oregon. I’m working on mapping the early businesses in Oregon City and the early sketches and paintings help…